Contact Me Today

You can reach me at either of the numbers listed below or we can schedule a personal chat through the calendar below.

Cell: (801) 870-5597 : Office: (385) 216-5800

About Me

I’m a professional speaker and real estate trainer. I am in the trenches daily with realtors, investors, hard money lenders, contractors, homeowners, and landlords, evaluating the ever-changing real estate market while coaching and mentoring, and taking on the challenges of the day. With nearly three decades of experience, I have dealt with most aspects of real estate investments. My expertise comes from experience and the school of hard knocks. Because of this, I have a practical perspective on what works in real life and what doesn’t. If you or your team are ready for real-world strategies that deliver, let’s chat!

Currently, I am only taking on a few quality clients. See application and screening process.  I am considering offering a form of group coaching and mastermind course in the future. If this is of interest to you, please contact me directly.